Wednesday, October 27, 2010

public speaking can help in our future

Dear all ,,,,

Everything we learn have its own advantages and disadvantages. Same goes to public speaking subject. A lot of benefits of public speaking we can use in our future. As everyone know,public speaking is the way to improve our communication skill,level of confident and good practices. This kind of learning and experiences we had can help us even we still studying. For example,during interview session in career management subject. Its help us improve our grammar and pronunciation skill to be more good day by day. We also can increase our confident level after we had been through all these. So when we have to attend the real interview,we can practices what we had learned already for the 5 semester in KPTM Kuantan.

In career life also we can comply all the benefits from the public speaking. Such as if I am in high position and needs to make presentations to my employees. At this time guaranteeing we will be grateful to Madam Tini for teaching us and let us have the experiences during public speaking learning session.    

memory during the presentation

mOrning (^,^),,,

It's a damn cold in the morning right now... Suddenly, I recalled back all the memory in my mind during the presentation of public speaking. I remember the time we,students ENG276 for section 3 had to do persuasive speech in pair work. I was partner with my best friend,maizatul thariyah. We had chosen cardigans as our product to promote in the class. I still remember on the day come we had to present,I felt really nervous because I was not ready yet to do it. I was really hope that we can postpone it on the next day. Unfortunately, we had to do it even for the last hour.

I also remember at that time when madam get angry with us because we not followed the rules in doing this presentation and for not pay a good attention while others were doing presentation. Dream...

Hai ,,,
thanks for still want to read my post...

Mostly no one in this fascinating,unique and incredible creation of Allah which is where we are standing now in this world have no dreams. As me,a 20 years old simple girl also has a dream that wish will be come true one day. I has uncountable dream to archive but fate and my fully efforts will determine it. But dreams that I really want to get are my educational life. I want to graduate with CGPA that could carry to the next level of study which is from Diploma to Degree. If any luck, I wish I could further my study till the high level. If I can't, I would like to has a good job and more importantly the job is blessed in life now also life after this. 

For the next stage,when my financial economy is strong I has a biggest dream that is the happiness of my beloved family. I would like to go with my parents to Mecca for pilgrimage. I want to travel around the world also with my parents to give the opportunity to my parents to have the experiences. For me,nothing left for me is not a big deal  unless it is for happiness the one I really love so much and to get bless from the greatest creator,Allah.

my OpiniOn abOut persuasive speech


Next topic I would like to share with everyone. I had a lot of things to share with anyone who wish to read and listen about it. But now,let's me write about my opinion about persuasive speech. If I'm not mistaken,before this post I had already mentioned about what is persuasive speech? Persuasive speech is a speech we gave in order to persuade people around us to listen and attract with the products or services we promoted. Persuasive speech train us comply with the marketing strategy we had learned before this in other subject. From the experiences we had,we can know the real feeling in learning marketing subject. Without we notice public speaking also related to other subject we take in 1 course. In case of that,it was a good initiative practices to train our skill,knowledge and creativity in the future.  

Challenges in public speaking ...

Assalamualaikum everyone...

Public speaking??? Well,my first thought,it was so hard to get through all of those presentations. For me public speaking really testing my confident level. It was very difficult because I felt nervous to talk in front of many people. Public speaking needs us to do the task given by presenting it in front of people. Every weeks Madam Tini will gave us a task to complete and that was the starting of the challenging journey of me in public speaking. Time management is the main factors effect on the completeness each presentation. I had to arrange my time on tests,quizzes and assignments with the preparation on public speaking task. During earlier presentation I always got sick. So my first presentation about my self did not go well. I cannot present on the time I had to. So I just went to see madam and present only in front of her. Another moment that I felt very challenging to me is during persuasive speech presentation. This task I did with my best friend also as my partner to persuade people in promoting products or services.We had to think how to attract people with our products.Last but not least,this blog writing really mess my mind. I had to create,write and fancy a blog and then print to submit it.